Discord Audio

An easy to use framework to play your favorite songs in a Discord voice channel!

Discord Audio

Discord Audio is a stable and easy to use discord voice channel framework which is compatible with multiple Discord.js versions. Discord Audio makes you able to play your favorite songs in a voice channel with your Discord bot. Discord Audio provides the following classes:


You need to add the GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent to your Discord client intents. Otherwise the bot won't be able to connect to the voice channel and you won't be able to play any songs.

The AudioManager and Player class are the classes that can be used for music players. The AudioManager class is the most easy to use and you should use if you are a beginning developer to start of with. The Player class is more advanced and has more options. If you are a more experienced developer you should use this class.

The Connection and Broadcast classes are made to play streams that never end for example a radio stream. To play a stream you'll always need the Connection class to create a connection. The Connection class can play a stream in one guild. The Broadcast class can be use to create a broadcast which you can use for multiple guilds. The Broadcasts need to be played via a Connection but the stream will be the same in every guild which makes you lose less memory than playing the same stream in every server via a connection.

The Adapter class is made to create an adapter if you're using another way to play a stream in a voice channel. In the most cases you need an adapter to be able to play a stream in a voice channel. The Adapter class creates one for the voice channel.


$ npm install discordaudio@latest
$ yarn add discordaudio@latest


The Discord Audio package was created by the Extive developers.

Last updated