Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my song not playing?

You need to make sure that you've added the GuildVoiceStates intent is enabled in your client. You can enable this by adding the following code:

const discord = require('discord.js');

const client = new discord.Client({intents: [discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildVoiceStates]});

If this isn't the problem, make sure that there are no errors being thrown and that your song is playable. If you get an error, read carefully what it says. If you can't figure out what the problem is, take a look in the docs of the class that you're using.

Why is my adapter not working

The Adapter class is made to create an adapter for one voice channel. Make sure that you've used the right adapter for the right voice channel. Also is the adapter not working for every framework. The Adapter class was specifically made for the Discord.js voice channels. It may work for other frameworks but it may not be as stable as it is for the Discord.js voice channels.

Which class do I need to use?

If you're a beginning developer it is smart to start of with the AudioManager class as it is the easiest way to create a music bot. To create a more advanced music bot it is smart to use the Player class as it is easier to use if you want to customize it more to your style.

To create a bot that can play a never-ending stream it is smart to use the Connection class. The Connection class connects immideately to the voice channel but will be stabilished by playing a stream. The Connection class also makes it possible to play a Broadcast. The Broadcast class will create a stream which can be used in multiple Connections. It makes it possible to reduce memory leaks.

If you're using another framework for your music bot, you will probably need an adapter. We've created the Adapter class for these situations. The Adapter class will create an adapter for your music bot so you will be able to play your music.

The Adapter class was specifically made for Discord.js voice channels. It may work for other frameworks but it won't be as stable as it is for the Discord.js voice channels.

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Last updated