
The Broadcast class makes you able to create easily a broadcast.

Creating a broadcast

You can easily create a broadcast by using the broadcast class. The Broacast class requires the stream parameter and has an optional options parameter. The options parameter has the following options:

  • noListeners: If there are no members listening in the voice channel.

    • play: Continues playing the stream. (default and recommended)

    • pause: Pauses the stream until someone joins again.

    • stop: Stops the player and leaves the voice channel.

  • volume: The volume of the stream. Max 1, min 0.

  • audiotype: The audio type of the stream.

    • 'arbitrary': For mp3 audio (default)

    • 'ogg/opus': For ogg audio

    • 'webm/opus': For webm audio

    • 'opus': For opus audio

    • 'raw': For raw audio

const discordaudio = require('discordaudio');

const broadcast = new discordaudio.Broadcast(``, {
    noListeners: 'play',
    volume: 1,
    audiotype: 'arbitrary'

Pausing a broadcast

You can easily pause a broadcast by using the pause function.


Resuming a broadcast

You can easily resume a broadcast by using the resume function.


Destroy a broadcast

You can destroy a broadcast by using the destroy function. You should first unsubscribe the broadcast of all connections before using this function.


Changing the broadcast volume

You can change the volume of the broadcast by using the volume function. The volume has to be at least 0 and can maximum be 1.


Event listeners

The Broadcast class also has 2 events:

  • play: When the broadcast starts playing.

  • end: When the broadcast ended.

Both events return the stream that is playing or has ended.

broadcast.on('play', stream => console.log(`Started playing ${stream}`));

broadcast.on('end', stream => console.log(`The stream ${stream} ended`));

Recommended is that if you want to play another stream you first destroy the broadcast and then play a new stream. Otherwise the old resource still will be available and can cause memory leaks.

Playing a broadcast

You can play a broadcast by using the Connection class. The Connection class also has some events which are being used for the Broadcast.

const {Connection, Broadcast} = require('discordaudio');
const discord = require('discord.js');

const client = new discord.Client({intents: [discord.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildVoiceStates,, discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, discord.GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent]});

const config = {
    token: 'Your-Secret-Token',
    prefix: '-'

const broadcast = new Broadcast(``, {
    noListeners: 'play',
    volume: 1,
    audiotype: 'arbitrary'

const connections = new Map();

client.once('ready', () => console.log(`${client.user.username} is online`);

client.on('messageCreate', message => {
    if( || === `DM`) return;
    if(!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix)) return;
    let args = message.content.substring(config.prefix.length).split(" ");
        case 'connect':
            if(connections.get( return{content: `The bot is already connected to a voice channel!`});
            if(! return{content: `Please join a voice channel in order to connect the bot to a voice channel`});
            const connection = new Connection(, {
                selfDeaf: true,
                selfMute: false
            connection.subscribe(broadcast).then(() => {
      `Connected to ${}`)
                connections.set(, connection);
            }).catch(err => {
      {content: `There was an error while playing the broadcast!`});


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